"Vanyushkin sweets" have become one of the best enterprises in the Penza region

Vanyushkin Sweets was recognized as the “Best Industrial Enterprise of the Penza Region”
in 2019 in the Confectionery and Beer and Non-Alcoholic Industry branch.

Large and medium-sized enterprises participated in the competition, regardless of the legal form
of ownership and ownership, with more than 100 employees. There were also nominations for other industries:

- defense industry and instrument making, research organizations;

- mechanical engineering and metalworking;

- pharmaceutical, pulp and paper and woodworking industries, building materials industry.

This competition is held to stimulate the activities of enterprises to increase labor productivity, competitiveness
of products and services, support the best producers, identify and promote enterprises.

The founder of the Vanyushkiny Sweets confectionery factory Nikolay Kuzyakov commented: “The company is growing
and developing. We always try to surprise customers. Our products are manufactured according to all the norms and
rules of modern technology. We are trying to enter new markets, glorifying the Penza region. ”