Employees of the confectionery factory "Vanyushkin Sweets" took part in a business training, from the Entrepreneurship support Fund of the Penza region

Employees of the confectionery factory "Vanyushkin Sweets" took part in a full-time business training organized by the Penza Region Entrepreneurship Support Fund and the My Business Center from the certified business coach of the international category Andrey Landa - "Conflict effectively: how to stop being afraid of conflicts and start benefiting from them."

Our employees have learned in practice how to identify the types of conflicts, their stages, ways of entry and exit. How to properly interact with the interlocutor in the process of conflict, what are the zones of conflict vulnerability for each person and how to see them in time.

Training with professionals and constant acquisition of new knowledge is an integral part of the professional development of our managers. Now none of them is afraid of conflicts and knows how to get out of it correctly and as environmentally friendly as possible, which means that any disagreements with the client will be resolved!